Do. Be. Have. Behaving Your Way Into Increased Confidence


This download is a single-page lesson plan.

Behaving your way into increased confidence.


We can boil complicated research down to a simple, three-step, practice: Do, Be, Have; meaning, Do what โ€˜the best possible version of yourselfโ€™ would do. Then, watch as you Become that person through repetition, practice, and discipline. Then, enjoy Having all the benefits this perfected version of yourself has earned. This curriculum will help you recognize that your emotions only limit your behaviors if you permit them; understand that you can behave yourself into new ways of being; create the life you want, with Godโ€™s help and for Godโ€™s glory, resulting from an optimized version of yourself

NOTE: this philosophy is different than that popularized by self-help guru Zig Ziglar (โ€œBe, Do, Haveโ€), which psychologists have since called into question.


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