Women’s Retreat


This retreat is designed for all Christian people, regardless of their participation in ministry.

Friday, September 13th | 6pm – Saturday, September 14th |  10pm

Is there a more glorious human being than a woman alive, full of passion and verve for her calling, striving to become the best possible version of herself for God’s glory? Is there a more vivid picture of sanctified zeal than a woman—a wife, a mother, a daughter—leading change, overcoming obstacles, growing in her spirit, and walking in the mantle of her authority? 

We believe women offer significant insight and invaluable contributions to creative Christian ministry, and we want to bring the best women together to learn, to grow, and to lead. 

SKU: N/A Category:


You will experience: 

* Great friendships, biblical teaching, and the opportunity to go deeper with yourself and with God. 

* A solid foundation for your spiritual life to help you through challenges, frustrations, and confusion. 

* Time away from the hectic pace and frenzy of regular life, to hear from God and to enjoy the company of other women. 

* Peace, laughter, relaxation, and hope! 

Additional information

Retreat Type

Retreat Only, Retreat + Overnight Accommodations

Length of stay



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6:00pm Arrive at the Chapter House and get settled 

6:30pm Session One: Why this? Why now? 

7:00pm Session Two: What is a woman?  

8:00pm Session Three: Remembering who you are 

9:00pm Refreshments in the Salon 


8:30am Continental Breakfast in the Salon 

9:00am Bible Study in the Parlor: Mark 7.24-29 

10:30am Break 

11:00am Session Four: Challenge and Conflict 

12:30pm Lunch at a local restaurant 

2:00pm Session Five: Dreaming 

2:45pm Session Six: Who gets to speak into your soul? 

3:30pm Meditation Exercise 

4:30pm Session Seven: Making Sense of it All 

5:00pm Break 

6:30pm Pizza in the Salon 

7:30pm Session Eight: Capacity 

8:15pm The 10 Commandments of Being a Woman