The Kingdom Quotient: Differentiating Between Mission and Charity


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Differentiating between mission and charity

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Our Kingdom Quotient consists of four guidelines that ensure our work is โ€œChristian.โ€

As we invite the Spirit to change us, all our work becomes prayer. We lay sod and mow lawns, but our hearts are attuned to God and under constant renovation. Consequently, in our break times and after-hours socials, we have something to share with our friends about how God is teaching us and motivating us. It is this personal development in the midst of societal contribution that separates what we do from the noble work of secular agencies.

This curriculum will help you ensure the community knows we are actively working to be a more faithful representation of Christ; introduce people to JESUS, more than our commitment to justice and charity; and persist in charity, justice, evangelism, and good will, but never at the expense of our first mission, our first calling, or our first love.


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