Rule of Life: Reminding Yourself About the Person You Wish to Become


This download is a single-page lesson plan.

Reminding yourself of the person you wish to become


A rule of life is a reminder to yourself about who you want to be and how you want to conduct yourself. Itโ€™s a compilation of your own best practices and most meaningful learnings designed to help you live in line with your calling, identity, and vocation. Originally, the term originated with monastic orders. People like Benedict, Francis, etc, would compile these rules and share them with their acolytes, thereby ensuring the entire Order functioned according to the same code. Each day one chapter from the rule would be read in the Chapter House of the monastery or abbey or cathedral, to remind participants of their monastic commitments.

This curriculum will help you identify major values and inspirations for your spiritual and emotional well-being; apply S.P.I.R.E. to your life so you can simply evaluate how you want to live; craft the initial outline for your Rule of Life, including all areas of significance, meaning, and concern that most interest you.


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