Passion: What Is Passion, How Do You Get It, and Why You Should Always Pursue It


This download is a single-page lesson plan.

What is passion? How do you get it? Why should you always pursue it?


Passion refers to the intoxicating burden of doing what you love no matter what. Itโ€™s intoxicating because, once you begin, you never want to stop; itโ€™s a burden because, once you begin, itโ€™s almost impossible to arrest and everything else seems inane and inconsequential in comparison. You cultivate passion by pursuing the desires of your heart, trusting that God has placed those desires within you as signposts intended to show you the path to abundant life (Psalms 37.4 โ€œTake delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.โ€)

This curriculum will help you supply permission to pursue passions as a means of experiencing abundant life; provide a framework foe determining how God leads us through desire; and craft an environment in which honest ambitions are honored and celebrated.


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