Holy Alive: Somatic Touch Issue 02


Somatic Touch explores the powerful truth that the way we touch others (both figuratively and literally) has power to heal or to destroy.


We feel the world before we think it. This is why the human body has a belly button, showing our bodily connection to another. This is also why a child, deprived of physical affection, cannot properly develop. Babies need to be held. Adults need to be embraced.

Touch is central to who we are.

We need to be touched.

Consider all the times Jesus allowed people to touch himโ€”his circumcision and baptism, Maryโ€™s tears and the leperโ€™s clasp. Christโ€™s most potent encounters were bodilyโ€”a kiss, a wash, a spit, a wound, a tearโ€ฆ

God heals through touch.

We must sanctify movement, touch, sensuality, and poise without our shared experiences feeling strained, ridiculous, or inappropriate.


Because until we feel at home in our bodies, we can never truly be at home anywhere.


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