Almighty Dollar: being right(eous) with money


Money is the intersection between faith and real life. This can be terrifying. However, following God’s purposes and plans for our money guarantees rich rewards that keep paying off long after we’ve gotten over the initial hump of discomfort.

You should invest in the biblical teaching about money.
It’s worth it.

This book is a collection of sermons about money.

The first series, A Capital Experience, deconstructs tithing in favor of adhering to Paul’s instructions in 2 Corinthians 8 & 9.

The second series, Justice and Charity, concerns using our God-given wealth to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

The final series, Affluenza, explores the excesses of our consumer-driven culture.

Together with Heart of Gold (available through or these teachings comprise a biblical theology of money.

May God use these teachings to work a transformation in your life that will bring you more freedom, resources, and joy.

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Money is the intersection between faith and real life. This can be terrifying. However, following God’s purposes and plans for our money guarantees rich rewards that keep paying off long after we’ve gotten over the initial hump of discomfort.

You should invest in the biblical teaching about money.
It’s worth it.

This book is a collection of sermons about money.

The first series, A Capital Experience, deconstructs tithing in favor of adhering to Paul’s instructions in 2 Corinthians 8 & 9.

The second series, Justice and Charity, concerns using our God-given wealth to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

The final series, Affluenza, explores the excesses of our consumer-driven culture.

Together with Heart of Gold (available through or these teachings comprise a biblical theology of money.

May God use these teachings to work a transformation in your life that will bring you more freedom, resources, and joy.


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