A Manifesto on Sacerdotal Design: Understanding Priestly Creativity in Ministry


This download is a single-page lesson plan.

Understanding “priestly” creativity in ministry


We ought to design everything, putting thought and care and prayer and hope into every detail of a sermon, a Sunday service, or any experience our church intends. We ought to do everything with mindful excellence, like craftsmen, so there are fewer distractions and fewer missed cues among our people.

Sacerdotal (aka “priestly”) design represents the peculiar heft of our work, meaning we assist people drawing closer to God. Our work is best understood in context of sacred rites, rituals, words, and songs that mediate spiritual experiences.

This curriculum will help you acknowledge that sacerdotal Design has, as its purpose, spiritual proximity and mediation; understand that sacerdotal design is one subset of design and thus still holds to the traditional rules of design; and apply the fundamentals of sacerdotal design to liturgy, mission, and discipleship.


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