3 Levels of Conflict: Understanding Turmoil in Character


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Understanding turmoil in character development


Conflict generates drama. While most people enjoy drama in fiction, few people enjoy the drama that erupts in ordinary life. We don’t want drama; we want peace, love, and happiness. Understanding the various arenas in which conflict occurs can give us empathy for our parishioners and also guide our ministries to ensure we provide meaningful help and assistance to those in our care. This curriculum will help you understand the multiplicity of conflict surrounding us, the pain it causes, and the unescapable nature of “drama” in today’s world; craft ministries to help our people deal with conflict, de-escalating that conflict and working toward healthy resolution (if possible…while knowing this is not always possible); and appreciate our own conflicts (and those conflicts we may unknowingly exacerbate), and remind ourselves of the need to be ministers of reconciliation.


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